Facebook News Feed Changes – “Bringing People Closer Together”, Pushing Businesses Further Away
Just 11 days in to 2018 and Facebook is changing the game again for business Pages. In a recent post, Mark Zuckerberg announced that we will see another change to our News Feed.. Facebook was built "to help people stay connected and ...

Should You Use Video Backgrounds on Your Website?
One of the more recent trends in website design is the use of video backgrounds on the home page. The concept being, large moving images will draw the viewer's eye to a call-to-action. But are video backgrounds a good idea? Many people ...

Google Shuts Down Autoplay Videos! How will this Impact Your Website?
Autoplay videos on your website will be turned off in Google Chrome 64. Google has been working hard to make web browsing better and safer for users. One way they can accomplish this is by controlling the user's experience when using their ...

Chrome Will Begin Showing NOT SECURE Warnings to Your Website Visitors
Webmasters and site owners around the world started receiving emails from Google Search Console stating that their visitors will begin seeing NOT SECURE warnings when viewing their sites. Back in September 2016 Google released a statement saying, beginning in January 2017 Chrome ...

Help Save the Internet, Protect Net Neutrality!
July 12, 2017 - Some of the biggest names online are coming together to help protect our internet. Amazon, Kickstarter, Twitter, Etsy, Netflix, and many more are joining the July 12th protest against the FCC's attack on Net Neutrality. Among this notable list of ...

WordPress Paying Bug Bounties on HackerOne
WordPress is an Open Source Content Management System that allows users to build websites and blogs. We've been using the WordPress platform to build websites for our clients since 2009 and feel it is the best free CMS available today. And we're not the only ...

WordPress Ramps Up Marketing with TV Ads
During Matt Mullenweg's State Of The Word address at WordCamp US 2016, he mentioned that they would be ramping up marketing efforts in 2017. Their first TV Ads are now being tested in six markets. Each shares a touching story of a business ...

Facebook Updates News Feed, How Will This Impact Your Marketing?
Facebook is constantly making changes to the News Feed to improve the user experience. Their latest effort hopes to reduce the number of links to low-quality web page experiences and to show more informative posts instead. We've all experienced it, you're scrolling through ...

WordPress 4.7.5 Security/Maintenance Release
WordPress issued a security/maintenance release, version 4.7.5, and is now available for update. This update addresses six security issues; Insufficient redirect validation in the HTTP class. Improper handling of post meta data values in the XML-RPC API. Lack of capability checks for post ...

Twitter Usage on the Rise, Thank You President Trump!
We've been using Twitter since 2009, and what started out as a social network for early tech adopters has turned in to a main stream communication platform for everyday people, celebrities, and politicians alike. When Twitter first launched in March 2006, there ...